SolarSoul, som er SolarPanels eget panel, specielt udviklet til Skandinavisk lys, ”sparker røv” til verdens såkaldte førende panelproducenter, såvel Tyske, Amerikanske, Svenske og Kinesiske.
På Folkecentrets prøvestand i Thy, kan du følge den daglige produktion, minut for minut. De 20 topproducenters paneler er naturligvis opstillede således at de har de samme lys og ventilations vilkår.
Du kan følge produktionen af de 20 forskellige panelers produktion her, minut for minut:
Folkecentrets prøvestand for solceller...
Konkurrencen er mellem disse panelfabrikanter:
Panasonic, Kyocera, Yingli Solar, Ningbo Qixin, Samsung, Hyundai, Sunpower, Bosch, Solarworld, SolarSoul, Ja Solar, Trina Solar, Suntec, Moser Baer, Innotech Solar, Rec, Scott Solar og Solon.
Der er forskellige størrelser af paneler, så husk og dividere ”rated output”, hvilket er det man betaler for, med her og nu produktionen.
SolarSoul og SolarPanels sparker røv!
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Bunda 26-06-2014 14:00 Often solar panels are plaecd on a roof. If it is on the main house it will also keep the house cooler and electrical wiring lines will be shorter. But if they are on the ground it will be easier to keep the panels clean. In either place it should not be shaded.A wind power system should be as high as possible and away from trees and buildings that might obstruct the flow of air, but you would not want to locate it so far away that electric lines pose too much resistance. A geothermal system can be built in many different ways. If there is a pond nearby that is deep enough using this for the ground loops is the cheapest method. Trenches can be dug and a long loop system installed or most commonly two wells can be drilled and water will be pumped from one go through the system and be deposited in another well. The equipment that uses the loop will be located within the house.